Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Students
- All students are expected to follow the guidelines mentioned herein which will be printed in the School Almanac. As per need there may be additions or modifications to the same.
- They should follow the School Timings and Class Time Table strictly. 75% Attendance is compulsory for the academic growth of the student.
- In case of any absence, prior permission should be taken. A note to this effect may be sent by the Parent through the School Almanac or through an application. In case of illness or other unavoidable absence, Leave Applications should be submitted to the Principal through the Class teacher. In case of absence of more than 3 days, the student will be allowed to resume classes only if the Principal allows.
- Students must be polite, friendly, respectful, honest, truthful and well behaved both inside and outside the School. They should maintain high standards of behavior. They should avoid bad language and use of slang while talking. They are advised to converse in English.
- If any student faces any problem with other fellow students, they should bring it to the notice of their Class Teacher or Physical Education Teacher immediately. They should never try to solve it by themselves.
- Ragging and eve teasing of any kind is strictly prohibited inside or outside the campus. All students should remember that as per Indian Penal Code, Ragging in any form is considered a crime, punishable by Law. As per the Govt. “ragging” means doing an act, which causes or is likely to cause insult or annoyance or fear or apprehension or threat or intimidation or outrage of modesty or injury to a student.
- Student should not buy eatables from any street vendor while traveling by School Bus or during outdoor tours/travels.
- School uniform as prescribed through the School Almanac should be worn to school unless permitted through written or electronic communication. However student’s upto Class 6 celebrating their Birthdays can put on civil dress, but it should be decent and not too tight fitting or short. For Class 7 onward, students have to come in School Uniform even on Birthdays.
- Students are not permitted to wear any jewellery in School. If they are found doing so, it will be confiscated and handed over to the parents. For girls only small studs or ear rings are permitted. The school will not bear any responsibility for loss of any such ornament.
- Wearing nail varnish, tattoo, application of Mehandi is not permitted. Colouring/ Streaking of hair or using hair gel in School is not permitted. Boys should keep their hair short with side parting.Girls with hair longer than shoulder length have to tie it up in a ponytail or plait it. Fancy hair clips/bands are not allowed. Only black Hair Band is allowed with regular uniform and white Hair Band with sports uniform.
- All students should reach the school on time and report to the Assembly Ground/Hall on time in a co-ordinated manner under the guidance of the Class Monitor & Class Teacher.
- All movements outside or inside the building (while going for PT, Library, Science/Computer Lab, Dining Hall etc.) should be in an orderly and quiet fashion. The students behavior should set an example for others.
- Students must maintain discipline in the class at all times. The class should be orderly even in the teachers absence and during the recess.
- During the class hours, students are expected to remain in class room only unless they are required by the respective teacher in the Playground, Library or Laboratory.
- In case of any illness/sickness the student should immediately inform the nearest Teacher and with his/her permission, go to the Infirmary for rest or seek medical help. The PET or Front office executive too can be approached.
- During the games period, students can play games under the guidance of the PET. They should never bring play equipment from home without the PET’s written permission. If allowed, the student will be solely responsible for the safety of the equipment. While playing cricket only soft tennis balls will be allowed to avoid accidents and injuries. Similarly while playing outdoors or indoors students should not over exert themselves or expose themselves to flying objects.
- Any electronic/electrical gadgets like Mobile Phones, MP3 Players, Cameras, Pen drives, CDs etc., are strictly prohibited in the School. Possession of any of these things will result in immediate disciplinary action even amounting to expulsion from the school. Surprise checks will be conducted by the staff as and when necessary. Refusal to co-operate during the check will result in disciplinary action. Seized articles will be returned to the Parents only.
- Children can wear Fitness Bands
to schoolprovided they don’t have Calling or Camera facility. Students of class V and above are allowed to wear wrist watches. However, watches with large dials and metallic dials or straps are not allowed. - Stealing is a moral offense which will be dealt with severely. This kind of activity may even lead to rustication.
- Students should not cause any damage to school property. In such cases the cost of the damage along with a fine equal to the cost will be recovered from the parents of the students involved. In addition they are liable to strict disciplinary action.
- All senior students are to refrain from interacting with junior students unless it is absolutely warranted. Their behavior towards their juniors should be impeccable and they should be a role model for the young ones.
- In case of any complaints relating to academic issue, students should not present their case in groups. One or two students can represent the whole class and put up the matter before the concerned authority in person or in writing.
- No student should deposit any valuables or Money with the Staff (Teaching or Non Teaching) nor borrow any such item. The School will not be responsible for any loss in such case. Students engaging in such activities may also face disciplinary action.