School Fee Norms
General Norms
- The School Fee is applicable for the academic year commencing 1st of April to 31st of March of the following year.
- Tuition Fee will be charged for 12 months irrespective of date of Admission for Nursery class.
- For students Migrating from other schools, Fees will be charged as per date of issue of TC i.e. no Tuition Fees will be charged for the number of months of the ongoing Session that the child has spent in the previous school.
- Fees will be charged for the entire month, the same will not be charged on proportionate basis.
- Students migrating from any School under Shree Foundation Trust need not pay any Registration and Admission Fee in the event of transfer from one school to another due to Transfer/Deputation of the parent.
- The school fees consist of a Onetime Payment (Registration Fee & Admission Fee) and Variable charges (Tuition & Transport fee etc.).
- Payment of all fees should be through Cheque or Online Payment. As per the directions of CBSE and the Digital India initiative of the Govt. of India, Bangur Public School encourages e-payment modes for payment of all Fees.
- Fees once deposited will not be refunded.
- While submitting the application for admission, the Registration Fee is to be remitted and thereafter on confirmation, Admission Fee, and other Fees (Tuition & Transport etc.) will have to be paid.
- Fee Certificates of Tuition Fees deposited will be issued by the Accounts Office on application, at the end of the Financial Year or as per requirement.
Mode of Payment
The rules regarding payment of fees are listed below and parents are required to follow them diligently so as to avoid any confusion.
Cheque: In case payment is made through Cheque, the name of the Student, class, section and name of Parent must be mentioned clearly at the back of the Cheque in Capital Letters. Cheques should be deposited by the parents in the School Office directly or at the Bank and should not be sent through the student. A fine of Rs. 200/- will be charged if the Cheque is dishonoured due to Signature Mismatch and Rs. 600/- if the Cheque is dishonoured due to Insufficient Funds. Printed/Handwritten receipts of Fees Deposited will be generated only after the Accounts are reconciled.
Online: If payment is made Online, parents have to send an email on the Accounts Office E-mail ID, mentioning the Transaction ID, Name of Bank, Branch and Date along with the name of the student, his or her Class and Section. Receipts can be collected from the Accounts Dept. after a week.
Challan/Fee Book: In case the Fees are directly deposited in school Bank account, a scanned copy of the Counterfoil (Parents copy) should be sent by e-mail along with the name of the student, his or her Class and Section.
Fee Heads:
Onetime payment (only at the time of Admission)
- Registration fee
- Admission fee
Recurring Charges
- Tuition Fee
- Transportation (if opted for by the parents)
- Any other fee
Transportation Fee (Optional)
A day scholar opting for school transport has to pay 'Transportation Fee' as prescribed from time to time. School bus users have to pay eleven months bus charges (excluding June). Students migrating from other schools will have to pay Transport Fee from the month of Admission in the school.
Educational Tours/Outside Events
As and when Field Trips/Educational Tours are conducted, Functions are held in School or outside, children participate in any Sporting event conducted by any external agency, Educational trainings or Workshops are conducted or when Fete or Parties are organized in the School, parents have to make separate payment for the same. Moreover expenses on overnight stay (if required), Entry Fees, Snacks, transportation etc. have to be borne by the parents.
Late Fee
The monthly fee will be collected up to 15th of every month, if 15th falls on a holiday/Sunday, the next working day will be the last day for collection the fee without imposing late fee. (In case of any unforeseen exigency, Fee collection rules may vary as per guidelines issued by respective State /Central Governments)
If the fee is not deposited till the 15th of the month, a Late Fine of Rs. 100 will be charged for every month or part thereof.
The student’s name will be struck off from the rolls, if the fee is not deposited till the end of the next calendar month.
In case the name of the student is struck off the rolls, the parents can appeal to the Director for reconsideration. On the receipt of request stating adequate reasons, all unpaid due alongwith other charges shall be payable.